Digital shift support and coaching program

The digital shift support program has reached its full capacity. Vous souhaitez poursuivre votre virage numĂ©rique en Ă©tant accompagnĂ© par des experts ? Mon commerce en ligne est un programme complet qui combine des formations, un diagnostic personnalisĂ© et 14 heures d’accompagnement avec des conseillers experts en numĂ©rique… Read More

ÉquitĂ© salariale

ÉquitĂ© salariale AdoptĂ©e en novembre 1996, la Loi sur l’équitĂ© salariale vise Ă  corriger la portion de l’écart salarial attribuable Ă  la sous-Ă©valuation systĂ©mique des emplois majoritairement occupĂ©s par des femmes. Elle assujettit toute entreprise comptant au moins dix (10) personnes salariĂ©es, du secteur privĂ©, public ou parapublic. La… Read More

Credit card interchange fees

Credit card transaction fees in Canada, a major retail challenge Credit card interchange fees The Retail Council of Quebec has been advocating for the regulation of credit card interchange fees in Canada for many years, which, it should be noted, are among the highest in the world. Credit… Read More

Francization for businesses in Quebec

Le français on y voit au dĂ©tail Francization in retail The role of the Retail Council of Quebec The principal intermediary between the Office quĂ©bĂ©cois de la langue française (OQLF) and the manufacturers, distributors, and retailers of products, the Quebec Retail Council (CQCD) encourages dialogue to ensure compliance with… Read More

The retail podcast

Le balado du dĂ©tail A podcast dedicated to everything retail in Quebec! Impactful discussions on the retail sector in Quebec! Welcome to the audio space for retailers! The Retail Council of Quebec is pleased to present « Le Balado du dĂ©tail », a platform for discussion about the retail sector… Read More