Erwan Picard
Éco Entreprises Québec
Erwan has been Strategic Advisor, Producer Responsibilities, at Éco Entreprises Québec since late 2023. His role is first and foremost to inform and raise awareness among companies about their responsibilities, while supporting them in understanding their new obligations and promoting all the benefits of packaging/container eco-design and the consulting services ÉEQ offers.
Previously, he held a number of marketing and digital strategy positions with a variety of companies with whom he had to build business relationships and collaborate, notably as Product Director at Cossette Communication Marketing, Assistant Director, Marketing & Retail at Les Producteurs Laitiers du Canada and, more recently, as General Management Consultant at Université Polytechnique de Montréal.
With a bachelor’s degree in business administration from HEC Montréal, Erwan is also involved in his community, as a board member of the Scouts du Montréal Métropolitain and as a member of the communications and media relations committee for the non-profit organization La Gouvernance au Féminin.