Permanent advisory committees, exchange spaces aligned with the needs and priorities of our retailers!

Essential platform for exchange and collaboration

The Retail Council of Quebec (RCQ) is committed to ensuring that its services, activities, and positions address the priorities and concerns of retailers.

The RCQ’s permanent advisory committees serve as an essential platform for the council to stay connected with its members. They provide spaces for discussion throughout the year, using virtual and in-person formats, thus promoting active participation and collaboration among members and the Council.

These frequent exchanges strengthen the representation of retail sector interests, ensuring informed decision-making that is aligned with the real needs of Quebec retailers.


Human resources committee (HR)

This human resources committee aims to:

  • Exchange best practices and establish common strategies.
  • Propose, encourage, and share initiatives among members.
  • Discuss legislation and government policies that may affect retailers.
  • Make recommendations to the RCQ for its interventions.
  • Position the retail sector as a leader in human resources practices.

Enviroment and sustainable development committee

This committee aims to support the sector’s ecological transition, particularly by:

  • Exchanging best practices in environment and sustainable development and establishing common strategies.
  • Reviewing and discussing legislation, regulations, and government policies that may impact retailers.
  • Making recommendations to the CQCD for its interventions.
  • Positioning the retail sector as a leader in responsible practices.


Technological committee

This committee aims to gauge the pulse of innovations and issues related to the digital and technological shift of retailers. It allows for:

  • Sharing knowledge and facilitating the exchange of information on the latest technological trends, sector innovations, and retail-specific solutions.
  • Identifying and discussing technological challenges faced by retailers, with a focus on solutions and strategies to overcome them.
  • Promoting best practices in adopting and integrating technologies, especially in areas such as e-commerce, logistics and inventory management, customer experience, etc.
  • Encouraging exploration of new technologies and promoting innovation within the sector.