HR strategies and tools for retail businesses

Helping organizations address workforce challenges: Free HR Tools HR management for retail businesses The Retail Council of Quebec is pleased to offer a set of free tools designed to help retail organizations optimize and develop their human resources strategies, particularly around recruitment and retention. We have developed these resources… Read More

Envoi Québec

A shipping platform designed to help retail businesses manage and optimize parcel delivery Envoi Québec The Retail Council of Quebec is constantly seeking solutions to support Quebec retailers and the local economy. In line with this commitment, the RCQ has partnered with the technology company Machool to launch the… Read More

The retail podcast

Le balado du détail A podcast dedicated to everything retail in Quebec! Impactful discussions on the retail sector in Quebec! Welcome to the audio space for retailers! The Retail Council of Quebec is pleased to present « Le Balado du détail », a platform for discussion about the retail sector… Read More

Annual reports

Annual reports of the Retail Council of Quebec Each year, the Retail Council of Quebec reviews its engagement in the sector’s key issues. Our annual reports: Provide an overview of the sector. Summarize significant achievements of the Retail Council of Quebec. Highlight events hosted throughout the year, including… Read More

Francisation dans le commerce de détail

Le français on y voit au détail La francisation dans le commerce de détail Le rôle du Conseil québécois du commerce de détail (CQCD) Principal intermédiaire entre l’Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF) et les fabricants, les distributeurs et les détaillants de produits, le Conseil québécois du commerce… Read More