Permanent advisory committees

Permanent advisory committees, exchange spaces aligned with the needs and priorities of our retailers! Essential platform for exchange and collaboration The Retail Council of Quebec (RCQ) is committed to ensuring that its services, activities, and positions address the priorities and concerns of retailers. The RCQ’s permanent advisory committees… Read More

Envoi Montreal

Envoi Montréal, a urban, local and environmentally-friendly delivery service, that meets the needs of retail businesses on the Island of Montréal Envoi Montréal The Retail Council of Quebec (RCQ) is always looking for solutions to support retailers and the local economic fabric. The context of the COVID-19 pandemic has… Read More

Ecological transition and circular economy

The Retail Council of Quebec is pleased to present a toolbox to help retailers make the green transition. These tools have been developed by our experts in order to support retailers in the adoption of best practices and successful strategies for a more sustainable and circular economy. This toolbox… Read More

Accompagnement RH

Human resources support and training program for retailers Accompagnement RH is a support and training program to help retailers optimize the management of their human resources After supporting more than 175 retailers during the first two editions of the human resources coaching program, Accompagnement RH, the Retail Council of… Read More