Latest news from the retail industry
Buy local
1 May 2023

Certification marks and identifiers of quebec products : how to navigate them?

12 July 2024

Tips to help you negotiate your commercial lease

Sustainable development and ecological transition
12 July 2024

Eco-design of packaging : more than just a possible solution!

Press release
Studies and surveys
5 July 2024

Retail : eco-responsible purchases among Quebec consummers

Envoi Quebec
Logistics and supply chain
Press release
3 July 2024

Envoi Québec Makes Its Debut in The Capitale-Nationale

To make parcel delivery more accessible to retailers across the province, the Retail Council of Quebec (CQCD) is pleased to announce the start of a new collaboration with Délivro, a local carrier of the region of Quebec City now available on Envoi Québec.
Envoi Quebec
Logistics and supply chain
Sustainable development and ecological transition
21 June 2024

Sustainable Delivery: A Fast-Growing Offer on Envoi Québec

The sustainable delivery offer is expanding on the Envoi Québec platform thanks to the green turn of many carriers operating in Quebec: the decarbonization of truck fleets, the boom of cycle logistics, and the new “sustainable delivery” certification…

Envoi Québec

Simplifions la livraison pour les commerces d’ici.
Envoi Quebec
Logistics and supply chain
Press release
03 July 2024

Envoi Québec Makes Its Debut in The Capitale-Nationale

To make parcel delivery more accessible to retailers across the province, the Retail Council of Quebec (CQCD) is pleased to announce the start of a new collaboration with Délivro, a local carrier of the region of Quebec City now available on Envoi Québec.

Francisation dans le commerce de détail

Le français, on y voit au détail
26 February 2024

Les épiceries LOCO and Mémo, a winning duo!

09 July 2021

Francization in IT: a real and virtual advantage

26 February 2024

Le français au cœur des priorités depuis plus de 60 ans chez Emard Couvre-Planchers

Ressources humaines et main-d’œuvre

Des conseils RH pratiques
Human ressources and workforce
06 December 2022

Five ways to engage your team

Human ressources and workforce
01 June 2023

How to manage a multigenerational team