Logistics Visit : Transit

Don’t miss our next Logistics VIsit at Transit Inc. in Lévis. Eastern Canada’s leading automotive parts distributor, opens its doors for you on October 16th! During this exclusive visit, you’ll have the chance to explore the logistics operations of its distribution center, which combines high-quality equipment and advanced technologies.

Date(s) and time(s)

October 16, 2024 - 3 pm to 6 pm


1100 Jean Marchand Street, Lévis, QC G6V 9E8


Variable prices (members et non-members)

Explore the innovative logistics of Pièces d’Auto Transit, the leading auto parts distributor in Eastern Canada. Since 1971, Transit has set itself apart with its wholesale distribution warehouse, combining high-quality and cutting-edge technology. Offering incomparable service and an impressive fill rate of 97%, the distributor has redefined the purchase of automotive parts and accessories.

During this Logistics Visit, you’ll have the chance to get an up-close look at Transit’s operations in Lévis. Thanks to their state-of-the-art automated warehousing system, the company tripled the size of its warehouse during the pandemic, while overcoming the challenges of labor shortages.

Transit is at the forefront of automation and robotization, and this exclusive visit will allow you to get a glimpse of the most advanced technologies and installations. Guests will be guided by the experts in charge of these revolutionary projects.

On the program:

  • An introduction about Transit
  • The Logistics Visit
  • Networking session with snacks (5 to 6 pm)

This Logistics Visit is organized by the Retail Council of Quebec (RCQ) and eLog.


Please note :

  • As our goal is to reach e-commerce businesses (retailers and manufacturers), they will be given priority for tickets;
  • The information provided will be verified by the various partner organizations. We reserve the right to invalidate your tickets (false information, priority sector, etc.) and to reimburse tickets;
  • Each participating organization/business can book a maximum of two tickets.