The digital shift support program has reached its full capacity.
Vous souhaitez poursuivre votre virage numérique en étant accompagné par des experts ?
Mon commerce en ligne est un programme complet qui combine des formations, un diagnostic personnalisé et 14 heures d’accompagnement avec des conseillers experts en numérique pour vous guider dans un plan d’action performant, sécurisé et digne de confiance. Le tout adapté à vos disponibilités et à un tarif abordable grâce à l’appui financier du gouvernement du Québec et du Canada.
Le programme Mon Commerce en ligne est propulsé par l’Association québécoise des technologies (AQT) et l’École des entrepreneurs du Québec (EEQ) et soutenu par le CQCD et de nombreux partenaires désirant réunir leur expertise afin de faire progresser le commerce de détail québécois.
After a successful first phase, the Digital Shift support program builds partnerships with key players of the local economy, and keeps the momentum!
After coaching over 1,325 retailers across Québec during its first phase, the Digital Shift program keeps the momentum by building partnerships with key players of the local economy, in order to continue helping Québec retailers take the digital shift and migrate toward transactional e-commerce.
Digital Shift program for Montreal Retailers – The CQCD has signed a partnership with City of Montréal for the coaching of 550 retailers from the Island of Montréal, through their digital shift
The CQCD has signed an agreement with Innovation et Développement économique Trois-Rivières for the coaching of 25 retailers, in their digital shift: https://www.idetr.com/fr/mon-virage-numerique
The CQCD has signed an agreement with SADC des Laurentides, MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut, Corporation de développement économique de la MRC des Laurentides and Service Québec in order to coach the region’s retailers: https://www.sadclaurentides.org/commercants-comment-faire-un-virage-numerique-accelere/
The CQCD has entered into an agreement with Tourisme Autochtone Québec to help its members who want to improve their digital presence.

Other partners

A customized coaching program to help retail SMEs to sell online
The Retail Council of Quebec, in partnership with the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation, offered a bold program to help retail SMEs to sell online. The 1st phase ended in december 2019 enabling the migration of 1,325 retailers to transactional online sales and e-commerce.
Nowadays, the Digital shif program for Quebec retailers is carried out with local economic bodies: municipalities, chambers of commerce, sociétés de développement commercial (SDCs) and industry associations.

This program includes:
- Services from the RCQ e-commerce and digital marketing experts
- An approach that is tailored to physical distancing measures and telework
- A process that is customized and results-driven
- Monitoring and establishing performance indicators throughout the process
The coaching provided by the RCQ experts covers various themes, such as the selection of an e-commerce platform, digital marketing, the optimization of a transactional website, Social media management, online advertising, search engine optimization (SEO).
To be eligible, you must meet each of the following conditions:
- Offering products and services to clients
- Being a legally established business in Québec (or in Canada)
- Having a main commercial office in Québec

The RCQ also offers open webinars, during which participating retailers learn how to optimize their web presence, whether through newsletters, advertisements, organic search engine optimization, or social media.
What is the program about ?
The program aims to provide coaching for retailers across the province with their digital shift focused on transactional online sales. Phase 1 was completed in December 2019 and helped coach more than 1,325 retailers throughout Québec. Currently, the program continues in partnership with key players of the local economy.
Does the retailer receive a subsidy ?
No, not as part of this initiative. Under this program, the retailer benefits from the coaching and support required for their shift toward transactional online e-commerce.
Whom does the program target ?
Essentially, it targets retailers with 50 employees or less and solid business basics. These retailers come from all Québec regions and all retail sub-sectors.
What is the program rollout date ?
Phase 1 of the Digital Shift Program ended in December 2019 and enabled the coaching of over 1,325 retailers across Québec. Currently, the plan continues in partnership with key players of the local economy.