Mélanie Béland

eCommerce Business Development Manager
Canada Post

Mélanie has been the eCommerce Business Development Manager at Canada Post since October 2014. Prior to this, she held various positions within Canada Post, particularly in sales and logistics, and has collaborated closely with the retail industry for over 16 years.

She has always been involved in associations related to the retail market. Whether through AMR, RDVecom, PME MTL, RCQ, CQIC, or Détail Québec, Mélanie is also actively engaged with educational institutions. Her consulting expertise and experience with Quebec retailers enable her to better support small and medium-sized businesses and startups venturing into eCommerce. Mélanie also supports all regions in Eastern Canada by offering eCommerce logistics training through SDC or other local groups and associations. Mélanie is passionate about eCommerce development!
