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Francization guide for retail businesses


You will find contextual and practical information, including a checklist, about your obligations as an employer and business owner.
Revised edition 2023.


Guide de francisation dans le commerce de détail

Guide de francisation dans le commerce de détail

The Retail Council of Quebec offers you this francization guide to support businesses in their efforts to promote and use quality French. You’ll find contextual and practical information, including a checklist, on your obligations as an employer and business owner.

You’ll find that with the right approach, francization has many advantages. It’s not as complex as you might think. The Office québécois de la langue française also offers the service Mémo, mon assistant pour la francisation. This service is intended for companies with fewer than 50 employees.

This guide has been produced in collaboration with Anik Pelletier, a francization specialist who offers support services to companies and businesses, and Me Lara Daniel, a lawyer specializing in francization and intellectual property at the law firm LDALÉGAL Inc. It is made possible by a financial contribution from the Office.

Last updated in 2023

This guide is only available in French

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