The ecological transition of the retail industry

Sustainable development has become a central concern for all of Quebec society. Retailers and distributors are becoming aware of the importance of their actions in this area and are increasingly committing themselves more actively. The Retail Council of Quebec (RCQ) plays a crucial role in supporting businesses in their transition to more ecological and sustainable practices. Through initiatives such as carbon emissions reduction, responsible waste management, and the promotion of eco-friendly products, the retail sector contributes to environmental preservation while meeting the growing expectations of consumers for sustainable business practices.

Bill 65 – Modernization of Quebec’s deposit and selective collection systems

Modernization of deposit and selective collection

The Retail Council of Quebec (RCQ) has intervened in the context of public consultations on Bill 65, which primarily amends the Environmental Quality Act regarding deposit and selective collection. Comments were submitted last October 21 to the parliamentary committee responsible for these proceedings.

The RCQ expressed satisfaction with the introduction of this bill, albeit suggesting room for improvement. It emphasized that the current systems had reached their limits in terms of environmental, social, and economic performance, and it was urgent to transition to a new system that:

  • Focuses on developing a circular economy rather than the current linear model.
  • Ensures the preservation of resources.
  • Contributes to a greener and more sustainable economic recovery.

The RCQ also stressed the importance of ensuring fairness among producers responsible for packaging and printed materials under the modernized systems, advocating for flexibility, simplicity, and scalability.

After closely collaborating with Éco Entreprises Québec (EEQ) to analyze the bill, the RCQ expressed support for the comprehensive memorandum submitted by EEQ during the consultation process.

It is important to note that this project aims to grant the government the enabling powers necessary to define, in future regulations, all the elements needed to implement modernized deposit and selective collection systems.

All relevant documents produced by the Ministry of the Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change (MELCC) as part of the modernization process for the deposit and selective collection regimes can be consulted here.

Some of the positions and stances taken by the RCQ regarding the issue of ecological transition for retailers

29 janvier 2024 | Commentaires du CQCD destiné à l’Office de la protection consommateur (OPC), dans le cadre de la consultation portant sur les pouvoirs réglementaires de la loi 21, Loi protégeant les consommateurs contre l’obsolescence programmée et favorisant la durabilité, la réparabilité et l’entretien des biens.
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11 septembre 2023 | Mémoire du CQCD déposé dans le cadre de la consultation portant sur le projet de loi no 29, Loi protégeant les consommateurs contre l’obsolescence programmée et favorisant la durabilité, la réparabilité et l’entretien des biens.
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11 mars 2022 | Commentaires du CQCD sur le projet de règlement portant sur un système de collecte sélective de certaines matières résiduelles et le projet de règlement visant l’élaboration, la mise en œuvre et le soutien financier d’un système de consigne de certains contenants
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21 janvier 2022 | Commentaires du CQCD portant sur le projet de règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la compensation pour les services municipaux fournis en vue d’assurer la récupération et la valorisation de matières résiduelles
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26 novembre 2021 | Mémoire du CQCD portant sur le projet de règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la récupération et la valorisation de produits par les entreprises
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21 octobre 2020 | Appui du Conseil québécois du commerce de détail (CQCD) au mémoire déposé par EEQ dans le cadre des consultations particulières sur le projet de loi no 65, Loi modifiant principalement la Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement en matière de consigne et de collecte sélective
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