Protection of assets and loss Prevention

Prevention of shoplifting, internal theft, and fraud

Each year, theft and fraud cost nearly a billion dollars to Quebec retailers, highlighting the critical nature of this issue. Surprisingly, employee theft and fraud are almost as significant a source of loss as shoplifting. Administrative errors and supplier irregularities rank third.

Given the scale of this issue, the Retail Council of Quebec is taking proactive steps to ensure adequate protection of retailers’ resources.

Shoplifting remains a huge problem for retailers, with annual losses exceeding $800 million in Quebec alone. In an effort to support retailers in their daily fight against shoplifting and to combat its normalization, the RCQ promotes the awareness campaign “Piquer, c’est voler” (Stealing is Stealing).

Through its Resource Protection Committee, the RCQ provides retailers with numerous networking opportunities and exchanges with loss prevention experts. Additionally, it regularly advocates for the sector with governmental authorities on these matters.

Its interventions cover various topics including:

  • Prevention of shoplifting, internal theft, and fraud
  • Awareness about organized retail crime
  • Detection of counterfeit goods
  • New technological tools